Mueller hearing shows another way Congress needs to modernize: digitizing the witness stand


In one hearing room at the U.S. Capitol, the Select Committee on Modernization held a relatively hearing on modernizing legislative information technology. In the other, another hearing showed why upgrading our Congress is needed as soon as possible, when a skilled prosecutor and veteran public servant kept having to search through a voluminous report in response to questions from lawmakers.
Today’s hearings with former FBI Director Robert Mueller livestreamed a profoundly analog process that’s still rooted in the 19th century to a nation living, working, playing, and learning in the 21st Century.
We can and should do better: Every witness in Congress being questioned about a report, much less one 400+ page along, should have access to a searchable version of it on a computer — and so should the public, watching along where ever we are – along with (most of) the rest of our government’s information.


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